Life advice

9-5 Job v.s Pursuing your Dreams (Amazing Youtube Comment)

9-5 Job v.s Pursuing your Dreams (Amazing Youtube Comment)

Life advice
Sadly, a lot of us (especially the younger adult crowd) are suffering in fear and dismay of either pursuing our dreams, or staying with the career that pays. I think the #1 reason why we suffer from this 'Tug O' War' phase is because we fear which our passions, dreams and aspirations will not likely support us financially, due to the hard times that we are currently and still have been facing. This ultimately results in feelings of uneasiness, disdain and unmotivation. Deep-down inside, we all wish we could just find a way to bridge our natural born talents to a financial tether which could support us without having to worry about 'paying our bills' or not having enough money. Ultimately, as a result of these negative emotions we presume like we are forced into immersion of this monotonous lifestyle until something 'pops up' out of the blue. A draw of luck per say....a blessing from above- a shake from the 'right' hand. Whatever you want to it.
When I have talks with others about this particular dilemma, I often say to them this. As I think that this breaks this complete thing down superior and gives people a clearer understanding of the concept. There are 2 forms of people in this world and each single human on this planet breaks down into one of these 2 categories.
People that live for stability and security.
And People who live for freedom and expression.

Life advice

Those who live for stability and security are the types who, even though they may possess multiple talents, already have it hardwired into their brains to pursue a life-style of stability and security. These are the ones who are so adamant and determined to earn that degree and rack up whatever other types of education they can accumulate after a while. These are the ones that have no problem going to work day in and day trip, because what's important to them is the stable 'paycheck' and earned salary. On reflection, some of these individuals deep down inside constantly experience periods of doubt or boredom where they generally feel like they are on the 'wrong place' and that there must be something better that provides more freedom. But because they have already conditioned and prepared themselves for such a career, they figured, "what's the purpose of leaving now?" Not only that, but the more time that passes, the greater it makes it more difficult for them to make the transition due to subconscious commitment these have placed themselves into.
And you have the second type: The kind that I myself fall under. The people who live for freedom and expression. Fundamental essentials free-spirits, the 'risk takers' of the planet who instead would rather hone in their natural talents and talents and pursue work that revolves around just that. They live in silence, but hope that one day the passions they share with others will make all of the noise. They seek self-expression through art. They dread the monotonous, repetitive lifestyle. They like to have the ability to move, travel and exist 'on the fly' rather than feeling stuck in a single for long periods of time. The issue with this is that it undoubtedly requires a great deal more creativity, drive and determination to even go ahead and take first few steps. The reason behind that is because these types of people see the reality. The REALITY that security and stability is harder to research when you follow your dreams because making numerous money wasn't even your concern to start with. Thus, the concern to start with was wondering how and when you'll be able to make a living for yourself doing everything you love.
But the truth about all of this, is that life includes no guarantees.
So people who prefer a lifestyle of stability and security, cannot think that that stability and security will last forever because anything can happen at any given moment.
And those that prefer a lifestyle of freedom and expression, might 1 day expect the possibility that they might be placed in unfortunate circumstances that can shift their entire world overnight.
The purpose I'm trying to make is that magnified of these types you fall under, there are pros and cons to both. Risks and rewards both for. So what should we do about this all???
Interestingly enough, right before penning this post I just so were 'Googling' about this topic to learn up on forums and obtain a broader scope from the thoughts and ideas of individuals that analyze these exact points. And perhaps this is a sign or some sort of divine intuition, but I came across a video on Youtube which involved a Ted-Talk about "Following Your Dreams".
And like all Youtube videos, within a few moments of viewing; I immediately scroll into see what other people talking about in the comments. Which is the comment i found (below). No requirement for me to even continue on with this post in my own words simply because this comment has an extremely powerful message behind it and goes over all everything I wanted to mention and more. Enjoy....
Posted by Jason Ray1 last year
"My co-worker and I had a running bet. The two of us hated our jobs every put up $500 to the first one to quit. I still text him every now and then and ask how the old job is treating him, just like always he would reply. I believe every year that you don't follow your passion, the thicker the location skin grows. Each year this skin grows thicker and thicker, encapsulating all your hopes, dreams and ambitions. Until 12 months, you just give in. You accept your situation in the world and give up, you are an (_____) and that is what you'll be until you retire. "Well, at the very least I'll have my retirement years, that will be fun." I hate to see people to quit their job to check out their passions, but quit your jobs and follow your passions! The more people who do, the more people will get the needed encouragement to complete the same. It's not about luck, it's about breaking through the fear. I have fear everyday, I don't know if my new business venture work out, but no less than I'm going to give it a shot. I'd be a little more disappointed if I didn't try at all vs failing. I followed an audiobook "30 Lessons for Living" a month before I quit. You have to read it. This guy interviewed Hundreds of elderly people and asked them the things they would do differently. One of many questions was about a profession change. "Spending 2000 hours per year at a job you hate is often a waste of life," is when one of them replied. The consensus on most was to just find something different, anything else. Don't live in misery. ”

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